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Workforce Training

Carver Center provides free individualized training in:

bulletBasic computer skills, and 
bulletMicrosoft Office Products 

The Center's focus is on non-working adults who need employment preparation training, as well as working adults who need to enhance their computer skills to advance in their careers. Likewise, new computer users who need to acquire basic computer skills for home-based businesses are served by Carver Center.

Carver Workforce Computer Training covers:

bulletComputer concepts
bulletBusiness Computing Environment
bulletWindows 98 and Windows 2000
bulletMicrosoft Office: Excel, Word, Access, and Publisher
bulletInternet Usage and Concepts
bulletE-mail Fundamentals with Microsoft Outlook

Classroom activities provide students practical experience with business related soft skills including:

bulletResume Preparation, Organization, and Formatting
bulletCover Letter Concepts, and Content
bulletInterview Skills
bulletBusiness Ethics

Enrollment is limited.  Please contact the Workforce Training Coordinator given on the Home Page of this website to discuss scheduled classes and attendance.

Class Schedule

Classes are prescheduled and usually run for four to six weeks.  Classes meet:

bullet9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.  
bulletMonday through Thursday 

Classroom Facilities

Click on thumbnails below to  see pictures of the Carver Center computer lab.

   wpe1B.jpg (13208 bytes) wpe1D.jpg (16337 bytes) wpe20.jpg (19603 bytes)


Send mail to carver4@allconet.org with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: March 29, 2005